Wednesday, May 6, 2020

America After World War II - 1560 Words

Is it possible to know what Americans thought of World War II, if they believed that the war was a just war or whether they did not agree for what the United States was fighting for? The historian Studs Terkel believes he knows this answer and that Americans saw themselves as liberators of an oppressed world fighting for the just war which can be concluded from his famous volume, The Good War. Of course one person’s beliefs should not be believed as easily just by reading a book. A person should base their opinions on something much more analytical than that. In order to decide whether some Americans actually thought that World War II was a just war, a thorough analysis should be done of American life looking at all the facts found. Beginning with American experience before the war then analyzing the experience of the war and the home-front itself and finally ending with the analysis of America after World War II a conclusion can be made regarding the American point of view. A merican life prior to World War II may have not been the best from 1931-1939. Already in the Great Depression that started in 1929 people were left very discouraged and hopeless. In 1932 the economy was the worst it had ever been, it had hit rock bottom (p. 850). Many had lost their jobs and over 11 million Americans could not find work (p. 850). America was at its worst and people were hungry, suicide rates had risen and people were having less children than ever before. People’s reaction to theShow MoreRelatedSoon After World War Ii Ended, The United States Of America1782 Words   |  8 PagesSoon after World War II ended, the United States of America (U.S.A) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) entered the Cold War, an altercation between the two superpowers, which lasted over 40 years, due to their differing political systems; the U.S.S.R. was communist and the U.S.A. democratic (Alchin, 2017). 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This world was fought primarily by the Axis Powers: Germany, Austria, Italy, and Japan and the Allie Powers: Great Britain, France, The USSR, and the United States. President Truman made a difficult decision to drop nuclear weapons on Japan, because the factors leading up to the war, the circumstances that had already happened during World War II, and because he simplyRead MoreAmerica During Ww II : A Turning Point1299 Words   |  6 PagesSarah Chi Turner U. S. History 2 May 2016 America in WW II: A Turning Point â€Å"Lots of things wrong with America, but Hitler ain’t going to fix them,† American GI and heavyweight Joe Louis once said in a 1942 interview about his choice to enlist in the army (Berkow). He was right. In the 1940s, America was in a slump; but, it was also the turning point for the start of a more prosperous era. 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